Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts Arts and Crafts in Oberon. Oberon can proudly lay claim to a wide range of artists including sculptors, painters, weavers, spinners, knitters, and potters. Works and outlets can be found around our town, as well as beyond the town limits. The Visitor Information Centre can tell you more! 705 Gallery 6336 0703…

Oberon Neighbourhood Centre

You are here: Home Living Oberon Neighbourhood Centre Information and Referral to community services. Centrelink/Medicare Agent 12 Ross St, Oberon. Contacts: Phone: 6336 0909 The Neighbourhood Centre is open 9am to 1pm, Wed – Fri Centrelink Agency 9am to 1pm, Wed – Fri Information and Referral to community services. The Oberon Neighbourhood Centre provides local…