Fishing in Oberon
Fishing is a popular pastime around Oberon and Lake Oberon is regularly stocked with Rainbow Trout and Golden Perch fingerlings. Swimming is not allowed in the lake due to the extremely cold water. Visitors may walk around the foreshore, if they keep close to the water’s edge. Streams on private property can only be entered with the prior permission of the landholder.
Lake Oberon is open to anglers all year round, but the streams are subject to Freshwater Fishing Regulations.
The season for stream fishing opens at the start of the October long weekend and closes at the end of the June long weekend. All anglers must have a Freshwater Fishing Licence.
Exemptions apply to aboriginals, aged pensioners and anglers under 12 years of age, and private farm dams of 2 hectares or less.
Freshwater Fishing Licences can be purchased in Oberon at the RSL, Shell Service Station, Arrows Newsagency and the Royal Hotel.
Lake Oberon
Lake Oberon is ideal for canoes, kayaks and small fishing or sailing dinghies which are electric powered. As Lake Oberon sits 1068m above sea level, it is classed as alpine waters and life jackets must be worn at all times. A speed limit of four knots applies to all areas.
For more information, talk to the staff at the Visitor Information Centre.
There are a number of access points around the lake, including the recently upgraded area called The Reef, where there is vehicle and trailer boat access to the water’s edge and an adjacent car parking area. It makes it very easy to pull up and launch a kayak. Other fishing spots include Kelly’s Bay and the Oberon Dam Picnic area.
The lake is open to non-powered boating only. Also, it is important to remember that as this dam is classed as an alpine water, the law dictates that life jackets must be worn at all times.
The fascinating landscape of rocky outcrops and quiet inlets makes for a great experience out on the water. However, the weather can be changeable, so check the forecast!