Mayfield open again
🍁🌳∙ WELCOME BACK TO MAYFIELD ∙🌳🍁 Mayfield Garden is re-opening for its local community this Saturday 16 May. It’s a… Posted by Mayfield Garden on Thursday, May 14, 2020
🍁🌳∙ WELCOME BACK TO MAYFIELD ∙🌳🍁 Mayfield Garden is re-opening for its local community this Saturday 16 May. It’s a… Posted by Mayfield Garden on Thursday, May 14, 2020
A cup of tea, lamingtons, Anzac biscuits and fairy bread greeted the early birds to the Oberon Australia Day ceremony, held last Sunday at the Oberon Showground. A good crowd of Oberon residents was present when the ceremony began with the conferring of citizenship to Amgad Rezkalla and Ahmad El Bjairmi. Oberon’s two newest citizens…
Some beautiful rain falling this afternoon around Oberon. Plenty of thunder and lightning. The photo is looking east when it looked like the storm had passed us by but it swung back! Hooray! Posted by Experience Oberon on Thursday, March 21, 2019
Lovely morning for a bike ride round the freshly signed Southern Loop by the golf course, down to Lake Oberon. Maps available at the Oberon VIC! Experience Oberonさんの投稿 2019年1月5日土曜日 The signs on the Oberon southern biking and hiking loop have been refreshed, making it easier to find your way around this pretty track. Sturdy footwear or…
Oberon recently saw the release of 10,000 Rainbow Trout fry into Lake Oberon and surrounding streams. Oberon continues to be a haven for fishing and our thanks to NSW Department of Primary Industries for the delivery of the fish. We hope to see the fry prosper in the years to come.
Oberon Business and Tourism Association Business Awards 2018 The Oberon Business and Tourism Association hosted another very successful Business Awards dinner last Friday night at the RSL, with more than 220 people coming along to enjoy the special night. This event is held every second year to recognise and celebrate excellence and effort amongst Oberon’s local…
Kanangra-Boyd National Park is the place to be for stunning views, remote walks and 4X4 tracks. The 4X4 accessible Dingo… Oberon Visitor Information Centreさんの投稿 2018年11月17日土曜日 More information on National Parks in the Oberon area like the Kanangra Boyd National Park can be found here
Oberon has received some much needed rainfall over the last week. Time to dust off your Kayak and paddle Lake Oberon…. Oberon Visitor Information Centreさんの投稿 2018年11月9日金曜日
@evie_matt_p took this beautiful photo of the Cathedral Chamber of the Lucas Cave at @jenolancaves. That long, long,… Jenolan Cavesさんの投稿 2018年10月24日水曜日 More information on Jenolan Caves and the other caves in the Oberon area can be seen here
Grab your kayak, fishing rod and camera and take a relaxing paddle out on Lake Oberon. Launch your kayak from the… Oberon Visitor Information Centreさんの投稿 2018年10月27日土曜日 For more information click here