A Forest and Timber Interpretation Centre is in the planning stages for the Oberon Museum. The Oberon Museum Committee has invited the four major companies involved in the Oberon timber industry to be involved in this exciting project.
Borg Manufacturing, Forestry Corporation NSW, Highland Pine Products and Mangan Logging will work with the Oberon Museum Committee to create a display that pieces together the history of soft wood plantations, which commenced over a century ago, when the supply of timber for housing became scarce. The display will also show what happens in the timber factories around Oberon.
Fundraising and applications for grants has begun! Of urgent need is a shed to house the exhibition.
Oberon has a number of museums where the district’s history is proudly displayed through a great number of interesting exhibits. In town is the Military Museum, the Railway Museum and the Oberon and District Museum. Further afield, the Rockley Mill and Stables Museum is well worth a visit. More details here